
Call for Tutorials Track Submissions

The 15th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB) is the flagship conference of the ACM SIGBio. ACM-BCB 2024 will be held for the first time outside of USA in Shenzhen China from Nov 22nd to 25th 2024, after past successes in many USA locations. ACM-BCB 2024 aims to promote AI for Bio-medicine (AI4Bio), including cutting-edge AI advances in computational biology, bioinformatics, and health informatics, at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, statistics, biology, and medicine.

ACM-BCB 2024 invites tutorials that address the interests of its varied audience of individuals interested in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (BCB) including graduate students, researchers and educators from academia, and researchers and practitioners from industry and government.

We especially welcome proposals for tutorials that:

We envision tutorials to be 1 to 4 units, where each unit is 50 minutes. We encourage tutorials with multiple units to have more than one presenter, preferably from different institutions, bringing different perspectives.

Tutorial proposals should not exceed 3 pages (excluding the speaker biographies) and should include:

Each proposal will be and ranked based on the significance of the proposed tutorial topic, overall quality of the proposal, the qualifications and experience of the presenters, the tutorial's fit to the conference theme, and the number of tutorial slots and the space available.

Submission procedure: Each tutorial proposal can be up to 3 pages (11pt font Times New Roman, single line spacing, 1” page margins on all sides, PDF format). The proposers are requested to address all the details listed above in their proposal.

Details will be announced later.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: TBD
Acceptance notification: TBD

Tutorial Chairs

Hao Wu, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
Ying Wang, Xiamen University, China
Ranadip Pal, Texas Tech University, USA

Important Dates
Call for Submission Deadline Notification of Acceptance
Papers July 15, 2024 Sep 22, 2024
Workshops July 15, 2024 July 29, 2024
Posters Sep 25, 2024 Oct 14, 2024
Highlights Sep 10, 2024 Sep 25, 2024

